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Meet the #MyHollyburn Finalists

Firstly, a HUGE “Thank you!” is in order. We were absolutely blown away by the 150+ submissions that poured in to enter the #MyHollyburn contest. The creativity, imagination, and resourcefulness that some of you expressed through your apartment decor is impressive, to say the least, and our panelists certainly had their work cut out for them in selecting the finalists. So much so that we ended up with the top 7 instead of the top 5!

As much as we wish we could have chosen everyone, these top 7 finalists stood out for their design cleverness, crafty Do-It-Yourself projects, and overall apartment aesthetic. Congratulations to the top 7!

Can you guess who won? Check out the winning style here!

Note: The panel was made up of diverse Hollyburn employees, including: Senior Property Management, Human Resources, Accounting, Marketing, and Directors to ensure an all-encompassing, unbiased approach.

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