| How To’s

The Zen of Moving

Moving is rather stressful no matter how you cut it.

Sorting through your life’s belongings, packing everything and transporting it, only to unpack it all again in a matter of weeks makes the most organized out of us an exhausted, frustrated wreck. There are ways of easing the process, however, and even turning the experience into something enjoyable. Here is Hollyburn’s advice on how to master moving into a rental apartment like a pro.

  1. Start early and have a plan

When anticipating a move in the future, start early and tackle items one step at a time. Make an inventory of each room and plan various tasks accordingly. For example, the bathroom can be broken down into toiletries and personal items, towels and mats and decorations. Each of these gets a box and a list. Get the entire family involved by assigning tasks to each person.

  1. Relax, get comfortable and call a friend

Put your favourite tunes on, pour yourself a glass of wine and call up your best friend. Use moving as a positive opportunity to spend some quality time. Remind them you’ll return the favour when the time comes and follow through. Don’t overcomplicate things. Start with three boxes: Keep, Recycle and Donate. This is an excellent start.

  1. Be ruthless

There’s a difference between keeping something that has sentimental value or out of a sense of obligation. Create a memory box for those items you can’t bear to part with to be kept in storage. Give yourself permission to get rid of things. If you haven’t worn it in a year then it needs to go.

  1. See the light at the end of the tunnel

If you have a large project ahead of you don’t forget to set smaller, realistic goals with a reward at the end of each. This could be going for a massage or manicure or perhaps playing a round of golf. Turn moving into a positive experience. Think about it as an opportunity to clear out all of your unnecessary belongings and a move forward without the baggage.

  1. Minimize costs, maximize efficiency:
  • Downsize: First off, unload! Sell unnecessary items on Craigslist or Kijiji.
  • Gently used clothing or household items to donate? Consider contributing to our long-standing community partners at Covenant House.
  • Boxes & packing materials: Try sourcing all items yourself, such as recycled boxes for free from your local grocery or liquor store.
  • If you prefer re-usable green boxes, go with our friends at Frogbox. Hollyburn’s value-added partnership with this eco-friendly company means great savings for you.
  • Storage: Downsizing can mean the need for additional storage. Hollyburn residents have access to our partnership withMaple Leaf Self Storage and receive their 2nd month of storage for free. The closest location is at Park Royal Mall.
  • Moving: Take advantage of our partnership with Jiffy Move for some of the best rates in town by a Hollyburn approved and BBB accredited professional moving company. Or, DIY and rent a Modo Coop van or truck. Deal details here.

At the end of the day, remember to stay flexible. Moving always involves unforeseen events and expenses. Take a deep breath, stay calm, and stick to your plan. If the Hollyburn team can be of assistance, please be sure to reach out.

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